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Everyone who receives RHI payments received correspondence from Ofgem this month regarding regulation changes which come into effect from the 1st April 2022. We comply with these new regulations. We are BSL approved and our products are ENplus A1 standard. All invoices come with the relevant BSL number printed in the goods description. We advise that you keep all invoices and documents on servicing and maintenance of your biomass boiler and fuel together in an organised manner. This will make it easier if you are inspected by Ofgem.

Guidance for Timber Felling:

Legislation is changing in regard to the felling of timber As of the 1st of April 2022, National Resources Wales will be increasing checks on timber felling and pruning in Wales. In order for us to accept any timber or brash in the future it will have to be accompanied by the correct documentation. We therefore recommend you ensure all the relevant permissions are in place before any work commences. Everyone involved in the felling of trees (the owner, agent and timber merchant or contractor) must ensure that the correct licence or permission has been issued before any felling is carried out. It is an offence to fell licensable trees without having obtained a licence or other valid permission.

If you propose to carry out felling or thinning as part of a Glastir scheme it is your responsibility to apply for a felling licence if you need one. You must also check if you need a:

• species licence

• permission from your local authority

• or permission from Cadw Felling licence exemptions.

You do not need a felling licence to fell trees in:

• a garden

• an orchard

• a churchyard

• a public open space such as land laid out as a public garden or to carry out lopping and topping, such as:

• pollarding

• pruning

• crown lifting

• crown reduction

You do not need a felling licence:

• to fell less than five cubic metres in a calendar quarter as long as no more than 2 cubic metres are sold

• for trees that have the following diameters when measured 1.3 metres from the ground: o 8 cm or less o 10 cm or less, for thinning's of 15 cm or less, for cutting coppice

• if you have a valid permission, granted in accordance with planning permission (according to the Town and Country Planning Act).

• to comply with an Act of Parliament, such as a notice served by a highway authority

• to enable you to carry out work as a statutory undertaker, for example gas, electricity and water services

• if NRW have issued a Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN) Dead Ash

• If you believe a tree is suffering from Ash Die Back disease this still must be inspected by a qualified tree surgeon

• Evidence must be kept including photographs

We have a pre-chipping form which requires completing before any product is delivered to our yard at New House Farm, Canaston Bridge, Narberth. SA67 8DE

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